Monday, October 22, 2007

braveheart Essay

How well does the movie resemble the actual events?

In the movie Braveheart starring Mel Gibson the story was based on actual events that happened in the past. Most events that happened in the movie were true but there were a few parts in the movie that wern't.

One very big error was with Princess Isabella she was actually a thirteen year old girl living in france when william wallace was tortured adn killed in 1305 she didn't marry Prince Edward untill three years later in 1308 three years after William Wallace died. Isabella and Edwards marrage actually took place in Boulonge not london. this mistake was one of the biggets factual mistake they made in the movie, also was that Wallace sired Edward III, someone born seven years after his death.

Another mistake made in the movie was that it is portred that William Wallaces lowland scots men wore kilts and actually lowlanders didn't wear kilts. Scots didn't start wearing kilts until the 17th century and actually wore saffron shirt in bravehearts time.

These are just a few of the factual errors they made in the movie there are quite a few that were made in the making of this film, although most events in the movie actually happened. So braveheart does have a few factual errors but most events in the movie do resemble the actual events from the past.

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